Dimarts 11 d'octubre a les 19h30 Reial Cercle Artístic (Carrer Arcs nº5, 1er) Salvador Bolón, violoncel Aída Maldonado, piano El duo Bolón&Maldonado es forma l'any 2013 a Sant Sebastià, on...
Marc Vidal Badia (Barcelona, 1984) started his music studies at the Josep M. Ruera School of Music in Granollers, where he currently teaches harmony, composition and piano. In 2010 he received the Bachelor of Music degree, specialty in Orchestra Conducting, at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya.Later on, he took Master’s degree in Management and leadershiop of education institutions and the Communication degree.
Although he has specialized and dedicated to education management and musical pedagogy, he has at the same time maintained a close relationship with composition. He is the author of various musical scores and articles on pedagogy.